terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2011

Taj Burrow, o livro do "hot surfing"

Comprei este livro há uns bons anos, e na ultima passagem de Taj em Portugal, tive oportunidade de lhe pedir para autografar. É muito pratico, objectivo e está dividido por secções de interesse. Mas o que mais gostaria de realçar é o comentário de Taj Burrow na pagina de introdução do site Aqui que serve de apoio ao livro, mas menor em conteúdos.

"This is not a typical how to surf web-site. It has no instant solutions. You may learn some things from it quickly, think you’re doing okay, then one day everything will go wrong. You will pound your board with your fists because it keeps bogging a maneuver. You will miss waves, and swear like an obnoxious fool. And you will have sessions that are so disappointing you’ll wanna jam your board into the car park bitumen until it's in pieces. Think it's easy, once you know how? Forget it. Stop reading now. Frustration and anger are regular companions to anyone who wants to surf well"

Pode ser comprado tambem Aqui

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